Because About One Year Ago…

A year ago, I like everyone else, faced new challenges in every aspect of life. But where I landed has brought me to a more JOYful place.

Rejuvenating My Life

Rejuvenation means something different to everyone. For me it means reinventing who I am, now with being a mom in mind.

Meet your New Pampered Chef Consultant Connection

I decided to become a Pampered Chef consultant during the height of the cooking at home craze that is bringing families to the table more than ever, and I know this has created an opportunity for people around the world to get more creative in the kitchen.

Cooking My Way Through Shelter in Place

Cooking has become much more enjoyable and fun. And I think for sure it has brought my little family together at the table more. And that’s a benefit I could never have imagined because of SIP.

it’s been a short while… two+ years

Gosh my goals when I started this blog in 2014, was to just try to keep up. Maybe post one blog a week, or two… Sigh, I realize my last post was April 2016. Fast forward to over two years later… it’s been busy! As I updated in the About section, since that time, we…

the real breakfast of champions- Vitamix smoothies

I’m obsessed with the Vitamix we’ve now had in our kitchen I think one month or so that we were easily sold on during the usual trip to Costco (how stuff gets into the basket and makes it home, I’ll never know). I’m a professional blow-out blender girl (kitchenaid, cuisinart, black-n-decker) so I’ve been dreaming…

risotto, beer, broth and bok choy

Because we still have SB beers around, my broth needs a purpose, and the bok choy needed to be used and I was craving risotto. Yes I know Bud Light probably isn’t the best option. Next time we’ll try Stella…  I can make risotto with my eyes closed I’ve made it so many different ways…